In a revival to commemorate its 25th anniversary, Lonely Planet tells the story of two friends during the height of the AIDS epidemic in America. While Carl is able to see beyond the confines of Jody’s map store, Jody refuses to acknowledge what’s happening outside. In Lonely Planet, playwright Steven Dietz crafts a humorous and touching play about friendship, loss, and hope.
Presented at New Repertory Theatre in Watertown, MA in association with the Boston Center for American Performance.
Creative Team
Steven Dietz - Playwright
Jim Petosa◊ - Director
Jeffrey Petersen - Scenic Designer
Becca Jewett - Costume Designer
Matthew Guminski - Lighting Designer
Zachary Rice - Props Manager
Brian M. Robillard* - Stage Manager
Elizabeth Ramirez* - Assistant Stage Manager
* member of Actors’ Equity Association, the union of professional Actors and Stage Managers in the United States
◊ member of the Stage Directors and Choreographers Society